
Capitalism... and its Woes... but its capable with....

I read a book recently called "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie as extra credit for a class I took. This book really influenced me, along with the recent events in America such as 2008 Financial Crisis, Occupy Wall Street movement, and other Big Business problems here and globally. What has also been helpful in thinking about this has been talks with an older family member about some history in this country in the 1900s before I was born: Los Angeles and Racism and White flight, Manufacturing going out of country, anti-Union companies, low minimum wage and poor conditions, toxic bosses and leadership, JFK and Union history, and how the top 1 % of people have a combined net worth of 30% of all household wealth, while the bottom 50 % has 1.9% of all wealth. Along this thread of thinking has been the polarized politics of Republicans and Democrats.  And how very different groups of people are grouped into these two groups based on who supports their spec...

Gossip part II

 The other thing about gossip....  …and other related things like judging, malice, slandering, tearing someone down, hating someone, treating them poorly, stigmatizing someone, treating them like their worthless, etc... that the people who do these things to other people are, whether they are aware of it or not, basically trying to define who that person is without knowing them. They have not see the whole history of their life, inner nor outer. And the person being negatively effected by these negative things has to wrestle with two views of themselves, one a possibly conflicting view from an outside person who does not fully know them, and two the view of themselves from themselves or from their family or friends or God, etc. And what is spectacularly fabulous about God... yes … you guessed it... is the He already knows who we are, what we've done, and every thought we've had a long the way!  The good, bad and the ugly.  He does not deny the bad we have...

Gossip, Slander, taking behind people's back, malice, tearing people down

I wanted to write about Gossip.   Now this applies to Christian's only.  Those who believe the literal Gospel, resurrections of Jesus, literal truth of the OT and NT, not some nice story or myth.  But that Jesus is the Son of God, God the Son. If you are not a believer, this does not apply to you, and you need to open up to God's love and receive the Gospel, before this would be of help. If someone gossips about you, slanders you, talks negatively behind your back, treats you negatively, thinks you're worthless or treats you like you're worthless, it really hurts.  Especially if it happens by people who are close to you.  I think some of the biggest and longest lasting psychological wounds come from this. But I wanted to say one thing about this:  don't try to prove yourself to such a person.   Don't try to change and better yourself so you can someday say "see, you're wrong".  You may someday prove they are wrong, but don't go about it ...

Ben Carson in 2016 vs the last 4 years of Trump

Now Trump sure "tore down" Ben Carson during the Republican nomination debates.  The liberals also really made fun of Carson as well.  Even though Caron is a highly intelligent and skilled M.D. neurosurgeon, having accomplished many amazing/impossible brain surgeries. Trump on the other hand has paid off women who he slept with outside of marriage, and has been recorded saying very misogynistic and bad things.  He's a corrupt businessman according to what I have read he has done to his business contacts.  His tweets as president stirred up a lot of hate and division in this country.  I don't know if it will ever recover actually.   He did support conservative policies, supreme court picks, religious freedom and boosting the economy with America First type of agenda which is generally all good.   Compared to a green liberal agenda, I also like a conservative balance of using petroleum tech for the time being while we invest in and transition t...

Trump text about reforming the GOP and dealing with the 7 who voted against him

I received a text today about Trump wanting to run again and reform the Republican party, getting rid of the 7 senators who voted against him. This screams totalitarianism to me, in that any one who has a opinion or view that criticizes or disagrees with Trump is banished, so to speak. And I can't help but think... if he is successful, what will be the ultimate reaction from the other side of the aisle?  How will this turn out?  What consequences come about from these kinds of control/manipulation/oppressions? It would nice to have a moderate conservative run for president and win, who upholds both conservative values as well as kindness.  Freedom of speech as well as humility.

Comment about Perseverance Rover to Mars article statement: “If people can’t get excited about this mission, I don’t know what’s wrong with them.”

The article is here: Quote: “Perseverance is attempting to answer one of the biggest questions in the history of humanity: Is there life elsewhere in the solar system?” said Chris Carberry, co-founder and CEO of Explore Mars, a nonprofit organization that advocates for human exploration of the planet. “If people can’t get excited about this mission, I don’t know what’s wrong with them.” The reason why some people may not get excited about this mission, and the billions of dollars put into these types of missions as well as SETI research, is because they already know there is no life elsewhere in the solar system or in the universe.  The problem with many evolutionist-types, is that they usually strongly believe some or all of these presuppositions: Evolution is true, and happened on Earth If evolution happened on Earth, it must have happened elsewhere in the Universe Science will...

Introduction to my Blog

Hello all I have seen so many people writing on websites about various things that have both been helpful and not, that I thought I might have something to say that might be helpful for some (maybe few) people out there.  I was born in 1983.  I like technology, but I have to say the world has changed more negatively with all the online stuff.  There's definitely a lot of a good you can use facebook, youtube, and google searches for (etc), but overall it seems like we are socially and morally worse off with the tech revolution.  For business and research computers and internet are overwhelmingly beneficial, though. But that's beside the point of me starting this blog.  I grew up being taught evolution in school and so had ammunition to reject "God" and Christianity when I was in my teen years.  But I was so confused about everything in life, and lost inside and hurting for real connection with other people and love, meaning, direction, and what to live for a...