Gossip, Slander, taking behind people's back, malice, tearing people down
I wanted to write about Gossip.
Now this applies to Christian's only. Those who believe the literal Gospel, resurrections of Jesus, literal truth of the OT and NT, not some nice story or myth. But that Jesus is the Son of God, God the Son.
If you are not a believer, this does not apply to you, and you need to open up to God's love and receive the Gospel, before this would be of help.
If someone gossips about you, slanders you, talks negatively behind your back, treats you negatively, thinks you're worthless or treats you like you're worthless, it really hurts. Especially if it happens by people who are close to you. I think some of the biggest and longest lasting psychological wounds come from this.
But I wanted to say one thing about this: don't try to prove yourself to such a person.
Don't try to change and better yourself so you can someday say "see, you're wrong". You may someday prove they are wrong, but don't go about it in order to say that one day. Don't let that be you're motivation. It probably wont yield a good result, and you'll never truly be able to undo their words against you, and they are not worth your effort. I say this because Jesus and God are not like these types of people at all. In the past I used to be more judgmental, and arrogant, and prideful, and malicious and slandering and gossiping, and am much less now, thank God, and as people hurt me it gives me even more empathy for the other people and the damage gossip causes.
Recently I was hurt by ill treatment/gossip, and my first inclination was to defend myself, to prove myself. But instead, luckily, I humbled myself and prayed and started crying in prayer to God. Repenting, feel very sh-tty about myself, worthless, rejected, hated, even betrayed. I can't believe how kind God is. And I can't believe how Not-Like-God other people can be. God actually lifted me up a few notches spiritually, upon my confession and repentance and asking for forgiveness. Almost no other human beings have done this type of thing, unless they were a pastor or a spiritual born again follower of Jesus (or some rare non-Christians who highly value empathy and humility, for which I give them credit)
But these people who gossip and hurt other people would never be able to lift up the person they are hurting. They tear others down, but never would lift them up.
What's mind boggling is that... in the world there are huge pressures on people, social pressure, life pressures, money pressures, etc., and we can start to think that what other people think about us or say about us is tantamount to everything important in life... and yet people who hurt us the most and judge us the most and put the most pressure on us and tear us down.... can be the most un-like-God people in our life.
Which begs the question: if people in the world hurt you and tear you down and gossip about you and say mean things and treat you badly, with or without reasons, and would never lift you up and help you and show you mercy and compassion and empathy and forgiveness and kindness... and yet God does the exact opposite when you come to Him and open up and repent and humble yourself and cry... doesn't that seem odd to you?
God is the absolute moral judge of the universe, but gossipers are playing God and judging you (or me), with no intentions (usually) to help you (or me).
So people who hurt other people the most with their words are usually thinking they are "morally right" in their judgement, gossip and ill-treatment of others, and so taking the place of God in judging others, yet having no intentions for God-like character of mercy, love, forgiveness, patience, empathy, building others up.
That's completely weird to me, to experience on the one hand, human judgement and ill-treatment with no good or kind intentions, and yet on the other hand, from God, kindness, lifting me up, forgiveness, mercy, empathy, from a being who actually is completely Morally Righteous and is completely Just in Judging me or anyone, and actually has the authority and power to do so.
Do not fear those who kill the body(physical) but are unable to kill the soul(immaterial); but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna (Hell, Lake of Fire). - Matthew 10:28, NASB
So why do people play God and judge others? Worse, why do Christian's do so? Or therapists, if they talk bad about people, who are licensed to help people? Strange.
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