Comment about Perseverance Rover to Mars article statement: “If people can’t get excited about this mission, I don’t know what’s wrong with them.”

The article is here:


“Perseverance is attempting to answer one of the biggest questions in the history of humanity: Is there life elsewhere in the solar system?” said Chris Carberry, co-founder and CEO of Explore Mars, a nonprofit organization that advocates for human exploration of the planet. “If people can’t get excited about this mission, I don’t know what’s wrong with them.”

The reason why some people may not get excited about this mission, and the billions of dollars put into these types of missions as well as SETI research, is because they already know there is no life elsewhere in the solar system or in the universe.  The problem with many evolutionist-types, is that they usually strongly believe some or all of these presuppositions:

  • Evolution is true, and happened on Earth
  • If evolution happened on Earth, it must have happened elsewhere in the Universe
  • Science will eventually figure out the mysteries of the Universe, including chemical and biological evolution as well as Big Bang/Cosmology, and will be able to explain it all with out invoking a "God"
I assume Chris Carberry asserts some very similar unproven ideas about reality.  And here is the disconnect:  He cannot possibly understand what's wrong with people who are not excited about searching for life elsewhere in the solar system or universe.

Well for me, I used to be an atheist, believing evolution as taught in high school and college, and always assuming there was tons of evidence for it, and that any one who didn't believe in evolution was a quack.  And thus I developed a hatred for religion and Christianity, even persecuting professing Christians while preaching evolution to them.

Well, after a NDE/OBE several years ago now, I became a theist and ultimately spent a lot of time researching both Christianity and the Evolution v Creation debate.  It surprised me that there were so many problems with the theory of evolution which were not talked about much publicly in the media or universities.  It also surprised me how many Christians who I met at church and elsewhere (or read about all over the world), some of whom I got to know, had personal experiences with God, including miraculous healings.  The conversations I had with these Christians I would have never had as an atheist.  I would have never known such genuine "testimonies" existed, having precluded the possibility of such things a priori (which is exactly what current evolution-thumping atheists do).

I also researched and learned about the central tenant of Christianity on which the whole testimony of the Bible hangs:  the resurrection of Jesus.  I had no idea of the 1st century historical context and the concurrent writings (for and against), as well as the Church Fathers.  It only further proved that my NDE/OBE experience as well as how I felt while reading the bible, praying and going to church was not my delusion, but that God was real.

So, my point is to say this:  people who are not excited about spending tons of money to search for life elsewhere are not the one's who are "wrong", but rather "you" are the one who is wrong, in that you confidently assert some or all of your unproven presuppositions regarding human origins and the universe's origins.  And many atheists do this militantly, oppressively, pedagogically, in anti-freedom manners, claiming the moral high ground of so-called "Factual Proven Science".

However, born again Christians have known the reality of God via spiritual experience (and physical miracles) for hundreds and hundreds of years.  Its hard to believe the disciples who said they witnessed the resurrected Jesus were "wrong", because then either they were all deceived (about 500 hundred of them), or they were all knowingly deceiving others and dying for that lie they were spreading.  For that deception to be going on for hundreds and hundreds of years, while at the same time people from all over the world have testified to the live-changing miraculous power of the Gospel and the Name of Jesus, it just does not add up.  

If Jesus rose from the dead, the whole of the Bible is upheld, generally speaking, because Jesus' resurrection would mean God completely approved his Life and Words.  Thus Jesus could not have been lying and deceiving people if God approved him, nor could he quote Genesis as a literal history if it was not literal history.

So if Genesis if true history, and also the rest of the OT, generally speaking, it would indirectly imply that God did not create any other living things anywhere in the physical universe, he only took on the "flesh and blood" of Adam via the virgin Mary.  Otherwise Jesus would have to take on other planet's "flesh and blood" so to speak, in order to die for them as well, if they fell, suffering and dying over an over again for the possibly vast number of civilization around the universe.  But The bible says:

“Knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is never to die again; death no longer is master over Him. For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God.” (Romans 6:9–10, NASB95)

And the Bible also says nothing about any other creatures anywhere else in this physical Universe.  And I doubt Jesus was going to die over and over again for every other planet elsewhere in the Universe, if they fell.  Do I say this because I want to believe this?  No.   I don't care if God created intelligent beings elsewhere or not.  Its just that, if Christianity is true, meaning if Jesus rose from the dead, it seems God did not create elsewhere, according to a plain reading of the Scripture.  So then what are these alien experiences or UFO sittings that people have?  (for another post)

Space exploration is great.  Science is great.  I actually have a science B.S. degree.  I love science.  But God made science.  And it turns out he didn't make any aliens.
