Introduction to my Blog
Hello all
I have seen so many people writing on websites about various things that have both been helpful and not, that I thought I might have something to say that might be helpful for some (maybe few) people out there. I was born in 1983. I like technology, but I have to say the world has changed more negatively with all the online stuff. There's definitely a lot of a good you can use facebook, youtube, and google searches for (etc), but overall it seems like we are socially and morally worse off with the tech revolution. For business and research computers and internet are overwhelmingly beneficial, though.
But that's beside the point of me starting this blog. I grew up being taught evolution in school and so had ammunition to reject "God" and Christianity when I was in my teen years. But I was so confused about everything in life, and lost inside and hurting for real connection with other people and love, meaning, direction, and what to live for and why. I say this looking back, but at the time I knew no different. At the time I would never think about it like that. My mind was more worried about survival and somehow getting to success and not being a failure.
Its hard to explain, buy my worldview, before when I was an atheist, was so screwed up. I was so internally isolated because I felt like no one could ever know me truly and love me. That may sound funny, but I think any authentic human being want to be known and loved. I say this now as a Christian, not as an atheist, and I don't think I would have thought about it like that when I was younger. I don't think I knew how to frame my emotions correctly because, like I said, I was trying to survive.
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