Gossip part II
The other thing about gossip.... …and other related things like judging, malice, slandering, tearing someone down, hating someone, treating them poorly, stigmatizing someone, treating them like their worthless, etc... ...is that the people who do these things to other people are, whether they are aware of it or not, basically trying to define who that person is without knowing them. They have not see the whole history of their life, inner nor outer. And the person being negatively effected by these negative things has to wrestle with two views of themselves, one a possibly conflicting view from an outside person who does not fully know them, and two the view of themselves from themselves or from their family or friends or God, etc. And what is spectacularly fabulous about God... yes … you guessed it... is the He already knows who we are, what we've done, and every thought we've had a long the way! The good, bad and the ugly. He does not deny the bad we have...